Outlaw Star

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Outlaw Star favorites include Aisha, Suzuka, and Gene Starwind himself. Sadly I have, but two (now three...uh four!) meager cels from this series. I believe in charity, I really do. Take pity and donate all your pretties to me. Wahaha...what do you mean you don't want to? Oh, okay you win. You may keep your pretties, but you'll let me look at them every once in awhile right? You would?! Well, just send me a feedback saying so, or to tell me I'm a nut. I like nuts...and squirrels. Squirrely squirrels. (Did I spell squirrely right? For that matter did I even spell squirrel right? I think I need to go back to grade school.)

 Hot Ice Hilda & Gene

 Gene Starwind Signed

 Jim Hawking

 Gene Starwind

Curator: confusedmoogle
Gallery Created: 6/28/2004
Hits: 52834

Presentation 9.10/10   Collection 9.08/10   Overall 8.95/10   Votes 74 votes
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